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Quantum Healing with Energy

Students are introduced to the principles and definition of Quantum Healing.  There is also an understanding of the dynamics of Consciousness and its effect on Matter. Students are educated in quantum physics, quantum healing with energy, auras, aura colors, and healing chakras. 


See class session summaries.

Nutritional Healing
In this course, students will learn about healing foods as a tool that launches a total health transformation. The vibrational healing properties of foods will be explored. This course offers direct experience with the preparation of nutritional  sources that can decrease Inflammation, alkalize the body by balancing pH, eliminate toxins, and heal and nurture the whole body. This course prepares students to guide others to choose and prepare foods for optimal health.


Quantum Brain


This course delves into the Quantum Mechanics of thought and creation, neuroplasticity, and how “brain programming” operates. Students will understand the healing power of the mind and how thought and health are interrelated. The science behind the “placebo effect” will be examined. Also, students will be introduced to the law of attraction and the power of manifestation. Students gain a sense of empowerment over their brain and understand the significance of the brain in life. This course prepares students to create more positive, life-affirming habits, which unlocks the brain's true potential to live with a greater sense of hope and fulfillment.


Throughout this course, students will learn about essential oils and their safe therapeutic use. The effects of essential oils on physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being will be explored. Through hands-on experience, students will understand the therapeutic effects and delivery methods of essential oils. This course prepares students to use essential oils with their families or in conjunction with their healing practice.

Tao Healing Session


This course prepares students to teach and deliver a Tao Healing Session, either privately or in a group. This is the core of the Mind/Body system training used for over 5,000 years in Asia to keep the mind and body in optimal health. It is a physical training session, that incorporates meridian exercises, breathing, meditation, relaxation, and energy exercises.

Self-Reflexology / Acupressure


This course will teach students how to heal with healing touch on reflex and acupressure points of their body. Students will be introduced to the reflex points in ears, hands and feet that can strengthen the internal organ and body systems. Other major acupressure points will also be discussed.


When there is illness or discomfort, the channels become blocked, and the flow of energy is disturbed. Working on acupressure points releases the blockage. This course prepares students to use healing touch and pressure for self-healing and healing their friends and family.

Personal & Professional Development

Students will be exposed to Business and Professional Ethics and the fundamentals of implementing and developing a holistic health practice.  By activating Conscious Entrepreneurship, this course is an empowering space for conscious entrepreneurs and professionals who want to take inspired action towards sharing their knowledge with the world. Students will learn how to align their values and business practice by following successful models. They will be coached to develop their own frameworks to build a successful business. Through mind-shifting stories, insightful interviews, and sacred business strategies, students will activate their lifestyle and empower their business to serve more people and reach their highest potential.

Flower Essence


This course is based on the teachings of Dr. Edward Bach, a British physician in the early 1900’s who created remedies using flower essences. Students will be introduced to Flower Essences and how they work. In holistic healing, flower essence therapy is categorized under vibrational medicine. Bach believed disease to be a physical sign and an end product of unhappiness, fear and worry. Students will learn to use and experience the vibrational frequencies of flower essences to balance all aspects of chakras, spirit, emotions, and elements of the body.

Anchor "Quantum Healing with Energy"
Spiritual Intelligence


This class provides an introduction to spiritual intelligence (SQ) and the Indigo phenomenon. There is a special group of children around the world who have high intelligence, high intuition, healing abilities, and a strong spiritual connection with God, yet these children are often mislabeled as having behavior disorders. Little is known from scientific research about this spiritual intelligence in America (aka "Indigo" phenomenon), although many countries, especially among indigenous populations, are familiar with spiritual intelligent children. When these children grow up to be adults, they still "have a knowing", yet they are unsure or confused on how to develop their gifts. Through lectures , hands on training, and observing our "mana" through aura photographs, participants will tap into their SQ gifts and will hopefully discover their unlimited potential. Youth and adults are both welcomed!


Spiritual intelligence
Nutritional Healing
Personal and Professional Development
self reflexology
quantum brain
Vibrational Healing
This course introduces students to the concept of Vibrational Healing. This type of healing work influences our energy systems to unblock, rebalance, and/or correct a person's energy vibrations. As students expand their repertoire of preventative skills for everyday use, they will have the opportunity to journal and learn a specific practice for self-healing. 
Students will be exposed to different vibrational healing modalities that allow for new and higher levels of consciousness leading to increased vitality, awareness, freedom, joy, and enlightenment. Each class will have at least one experiential component where we engage in modalities and students will have the opportunity to learn about scientific research related to healing while having firsthand experience of the sensations and benefits that come from these modalities. This course prepares students to develop as professionals by enhancing client service skills, as well as increasing their own power to relax and focus.


Accredited by American Association of Drugless Practioners (AADP)

Licensed by State of Hawaii DOE Lic. #1719-1018

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