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Energy/Vibrational Healing

Nutritional Healing Course

Energy or Vibrational Healing is based on the scientific principles that all matter vibrates to a precise frequency and that by using resonant vibration balance of matter can be restored. This is supported by a growing body of scientific quantum physics research.


At the sub-atomic level of atoms, scientists theorize there is vibrating “strings” (e.g. string theory). Vibrational healing generally does not use physical manipulation but employs light or no touching of the body. It influences your energy systems to unblock, rebalance, and/or correct a person’s energy vibrations. This work allows for new and higher levels of consciousness leading to increased vitality, awareness, freedom, joy and enlightenment.

Quantum Healing (Mind to Matter)

A growing body of work from science, books, and films seek to explain that our consciousness directly impacts, at a quantum level, the material world around us (E.g. The Secret, “What the BLEEP Do We Know”, Evolve Your Brain). Essentially, our mind’s thoughts, and words shape our reality, wealth, health and happiness. Some refer to this interaction as the “law of attraction”.  


In the film “What the Bleep Do We Know”, Dr. Masaru Emoto demonstrates how thoughts and spoken words and music literally alter the physical properties of matter, via water molecules. Using a high power microscope, through photos he documented the impact of written words and intentionality on the physical structure of water molecules. Dr. Emotos book, The Hidden Messages in Water, further explores his revolutionary research.  


One of the scientists, researchers, and teachers featured in the award winning film, "What the BLEEP Do We Know!?" is Dr. Joe Dispenza, the author of Evolve Your Brain. He studied biochemistry at Rutgers , holds a BS degree with an emphasis in Neuroscience, and received a Doctor of Chiropractic Degree. During his research into spontaneous remissions, Dr. Dispenza discovered that people who had so-called miraculous healings had actually changed their mind, which then changed their health. He explains that a new science is emerging that empowers all human beings to create the reality they choose. 


Through learning new tools of personal empowerment and accessing the core parts of the unconscious mind, old unhealthy patterns are released and effective new approaches developed. 


The processes used, help release harmful negative energies and interference while expanding awareness and healthy decision making abilities. Clients develop new strategies to enjoy life without being hampered by their past, and gain empowering knowledge to live a peaceful, happy, and fulfilling life. 

Willow System

Nutritional Healing Course

The Willow System helps clients break out of old and automatic coping patterns. The Willow System offers an effective, life altering holistic approach to uncovering and transforming the root causes of physical, emotional energetic, spiritual, or mental health problems, complaints, and symptoms.


By examining and reformulating our belief systems clients are able to go beyond “autopilot” behaviors and thoughts acquired during childhood. These mindless programs keep people “stuck” in belief systems that no longer serve them or others well. Learn more about the Willow System.

Tao Therapy Sessions

Nutritional Healing Course

Tao therapy sessions involve mindfulness-based cognitive-behavior therapy. Tao is a broad concept that points to the Chinese term for “mindfulness” or the Japanese term it "Zen".


Tao Therapy is based on mind/body modalities that were used over 5,000 years ago in Asia. The purpose is simply to keep the mind and body in optimal health. Tao Therapy sessions may include one or more of the following: meridian exercises, breathing, meditation, relaxation, and energy exercises. 

Private Healing Retreats

Nutritional Healing Course

Along with public retreats and workshops, we also offer private healing retreats. These intensive, customized events offer a way to accelerated healing. Accommodations, workshops, and healing work, are fully designed around the needs and goals of the person, family, or group. If interested, contact us for more information. 

Our services help people cope with various issues such as:



Weight Issues








Breathing Problems


Hormonal Imbalances


Immune Issues


Fertility Problems




Digestive Problems






Chronic Fatigue












Memory Problems


Chronic Stress






Depression/Mood Swings


Weight Control






Skin Problems








Postural Imbalances


Heart Disease

"Love one another and help others to rise to the higher levels, simply by pouring out love. Love is infectious and the greatest healing energy." ~ Sai Baba

Accredited by American Association of Drugless Practioners (AADP)

Licensed by State of Hawaii DOE Lic. #1719-1018

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