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Quantum Healing with Energy Class

Quantum Healing with Energy Class


Students are introduced to the principles and definition of quantum healing. There is also an understanding of the dynamics of consciousness and its effect on matter. Students are educated in quantum physics, quantum healing with energy, auras, aura colors, and healing chakras.This course prepares students to effectively describe their profession as a quantum healer, and apply quantum energy to their healing practice. 

Level 1: First Class Session Summary

The first night of our Quantum Healing with Energy Course flowed beautifully with great energy from students and teachers. The course prepares students to effectively describe their profession as a Quantum Healer and apply Quantum Energy to their healing practice. Students will be able to see and interpret aura colors, understand basic Chakras principles, understand basic energy body anatomy and physiology, and be able to do basic healing on the energy body, including healing auras, healing chakras, and clearing energy blockages. They will practice on themselves and others. Principles of energy will be understood and applied through experiential methods.


There are no required textbooks. A list of suggested reading and reference material was handed out. Students are encouraged to research the topic in their own way and bring questions to class based on their studies. The study of energy is a highly individual journey. All class materials will be provided for the student. Handouts will be distributed as appropriate, covered by the lab fees. Remember: THE GREATEST TEXTBOOK OF ALL IS OUR OWN PHYSICAL BODY AND MIND! This will be the ONLY required textbook that students must bring to the classroom.


During the class, students explored the definition of “Quantum” and what makes the Quantum School of Holistic Healing different? Also, they discussed the importance of mind attitude and intentionality of a healer and leader and did some Healing Hands Training together.


In the next class, students will learn about the three bodies, meridians, acupressure points, meaning of Holistic, and the energy centers. It will also involve a discussion of the principles of health. Students will also explore aura by taking pictures, learning about aura colors and meanings. The class will also involve continuing Healing Hands Training.


It was a unanimous opinion of “excellent” class, and most people enjoyed the physical training during the healing hands training exercises.

Level 1: 2nd Class Session Summary

We reviewed the meaning of Quantum, and students shared their understanding with each other. One student was having a healing crisis so for practice, we circled and healed her. She felt tingling down her arm, and lots of heat. The other students also felt heat and energy sensations. Three out of the 4 were sweating at the end of the session, even though the weather was cool, almost cold.


We learned about the principles of health, and some energy anatomy like the three bodies, energy centers, meridians and acupressure points.


Aura Pictures

Everyone took aura pictures before the class. We went over some basic aura colors and their meanings. During the weekend session, we will start to read and interpret the aura pictures. The three hours flew by. Again, it was unanimously voted an “excellent” class.



Much information was shared. Here are some comments about the class:


"I felt the energy of healing throughout the group. I feel that I am becoming aware of myself again."~ Char




"Healing hands was the best feature of the class. My right hand felt very warm, tingled supporting Nalani’s energy. Really felt energy."~ Desseree




"Overall there was a lot of information shared, and validated what I already knew but questioned." ~Nalani




"The best feature of the class is the hands-on experience – learning what Lucky taught us in this class and then applying it. Very relaxing, and I like involving the students in discussion, so we can all learn from each other. I would recommend this class to others because when we are in depth like this, 3 hours flies by! So much information in a FUN environment. Makes it easy to learn and pay attention. I love the music that correlates with the exercises, and I like the board with pictures/analogies." ~ Amanda

Level 1: Final Level 1 Class Summary

The weekend was packed with 12 hours of non-stop energy and healing for class participants. The four new quantum healers-to-be were excited as they continued to explore healing energies. On Saturday, they reviewed the principles of health, practiced reading and seeing auras (everyone could see them in the end!). Also, students experimented with the quantum field and healed their intestines.


On Sunday, students engaged in more aura reading with different partners and learned about the three levels of healership. The topic of chakras was introduced along with their role of in completion of our souls. Students gained a glimpse into the theory and practice of energy healing and went outdoors to experience energy with partners. 


One student, Desseree, studied acupuncture for 5 years. At the brink of her graduation she suffered a stroke and lost feeling in the left side of body. Her 10 year journey of healing brought her back to her homeland of Hawaii where she found the Quantum Institute to complete the process of healing, and finally stand as the great healer that she is.


Through class healing training exercises, Desseree felt her left arm for the first time in 9 years! She will go home to continue to heal herself. We all gathered around before she left for Seattle, and sent the healing energy to her. Planting our feet firmly on the earth outdoors in a nature setting, the healing energy was very high. The vibrations could be felt by everyone and tears were shed as the healing process was experienced.



"The intestine exercises made me sweat. I would recommend everyone to do that. This would give a person more energy. The aura reading felt like I had some clearing of my aural senses. I also liked the healing hands exercises.


Since the first day, I have had a paradigm shift. The first day I felt very negative and worries; I was going through a healing crisis, but on the emotional level. Last night the anxiety and worries I felt yesterday were lessened although I did not do anything except rest after class at home. This morning when i woke up, everything was changed." ~Charlene


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"The intestine exercises were practical, easily felt, and versatile. They were very gentle for compromised clients. I enjoyed the very fluid introduction of topics leading to experiential hands-on training. I would recommend this class to others because it is good exercise with relaxation response which is integral in healing. The principles of health gives me a broader practical approach to my service to others in alignment of personal purpose." ~ Desseree


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"What I liked best was using what we learn and applying it. Lucky taught us how to read and see auras, and then we actually did it by practicing on partners. there is no better way to learn something than to experience it.

I felt very relaxed in this environment, even though the class was 6 hours long. The music and aromatherapy helps a lot!


Although we learned about our exercises to practice every day, I like how we still continue to do them every class! Very important to keep the momentum going. Hands-on experience is always the best, especially when dealing with "healing" energy. you can't heal unless you literally have tried!


I feel as though the progression has been tremendous. Lucky has made us very comfortable in the classroom, which leads us to be more alert! I would recommend this class to others because the material is interesting and applies to everyone. This is a good foundation for everyone to have in his/her life."~ Amanda


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"I got clarity on aura and aura reading. Doing the exercises, I sweat a lot. Something was happening to my body (I never sweat). Dila said it was releasing and i need to drink lots of water. The principle of "mind to matter" was never explained to me this way, even though I've heard it before. I learned a lot, book, storytelling of other's experiences; and our excursion and the feeling of connecting with Nature. I felt a being of oneness with others in the class.


I would recommend this class to others so they may experience firsthand what I did/and am doing now." ~ Nalani

Healing with Energy: Level 2

Charlene Kihara:

Throughout this process I felt it was a catharsis. I felt the closed chakras and blocked chakras of my body open up. Time went by quickly and although today’s session was the whole day, the time flew by quickly. I felt that I have so much more energy after the session was completed. I looked at everyone’s aura after the exercise, and everyone’s aura was brighter. I feel that I am becoming more whole. Although I have the same concerns as before, somehow, how I feel about these worries have changed. I feel that I am getting lighter. (my energy is brighter and lighter.)


Nalani Simeona:

In a nut shell- level I had a wealth of information that was explained in plain English, so I could understand. I especially learned with the explanation and the hands on exercises, it made me understand more clearly. Actually doing it, opposed to learning healing through a book. Level II energy healing was more interesting (as above) I loved it!


Amanda Waltman:

I like how we review information that we learned from previous classes. All the information we learn is connected, so it’s nice when we go back to certain things.The hands-on training is getting more intense, which is good. It is so important to practice the concepts we are learning. I appreciate when we do the exercises.


Although we may not have time to do it all every class, even a little is effective at awakening our minds and bodies. And maybe the more we practice here, the more we will be motivated to do it at home! Visual hand-outs (especially when we read it together in class) and use of dry erase board is effective at making us “see” the information we are learning even clearer.


Thank you for taking the time not to rush through exercises and information! It really helps. And the music is always a good choice!!

Accredited by American Association of Drugless Practioners (AADP)

Licensed by State of Hawaii DOE Lic. #1719-1018

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