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10 Energy Zappers & 10 Energy Makers

Activities that make our energy vibrations heavier, lower, and weaker.

1. Eat low quality food or water.

2. Practice shallow breathing.

3. Frequent exposure to negativity and heavy emotions.

4. Watch too much TV.

5. Mindless doing things the same way, all the time.

6. Listen to hate and anger-based music, news or talk radio.

7. Spend no time in Nature.

8. Get little or no exercise.

9. Withdraw from people and relationships.

10. Indulge in addictions of any kind.

Activates that make our energy vibrations lighter, higher and stronger.

1. Eat good food and drink clean water.

2. Breath fully and deeply.

3. Listen to positive and uplifting music

4. Spend time in Nature.

5. Practice mindfulness.

6. Be creative and learn new things.

7. Engage in healthy relationships.

8. Physically move your body.

9. Serve others without expecting anything in return.

10. Practice love, trust, and compassion.


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