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2014 is the year to “Feel More Think Less”

From Meardis Wells

2014 calculated to a single digit is the number 7. Authenticity, truth, spirituality, intuition, and contemplation are on tap Rush toward your gifts and freely share your unique abilities with the world. Collectively we are expanding, however we are to sing, dance, and celebrate our Divine individuality. 2014 is the year of the Heart. We will be guided to heal and free ourselves of self- defeating perceptions. Close your eyes to external distractions so that you may See.

Shhhhhh…quiet your mind so that you may Hear. Psychic phenomenon holds court in 2014. Yes indeed, you heard what you heard and saw what you saw; you are not going crazy Continue to ask those open ended questions. “Why am I here? What is my purpose?” The synergy of science and spirituality has your back.

Feeling more and thinking less empowers the body-mind to work as one. Toxic behavior and thought create cold spots that block communication of the body-mind unit. Bless and forgive. Forgive yourself for forgetting who you are. Forgive others and all experiences that may have caused you pain. If you made horrible financial choices simply forgive it. Free it. If you said horrible things to anyone in your clan, forgive it. Free it. If you hate your body image choose again. Forgive it. Free it. Holding onto any error traps you to the past and in fear of the future. The Souls wisdom can only be experienced in the Now. Forgive yourself and feel free.

Don your caps and gowns for it is graduation day from Earth University. Contemplate your history as your Soul remembers all that you have forgotten. Living on Earth is a gift that comes wrapped in challenges. The Earth is our Mother and will never forsake us. She beckons that we give thanks and praise to all that was, all that Is and all that is yet to come. Feel More.

​What are you feeding your subjective mind?

Emotional neuropathways of whats to come? Remember that the subjective mind represents 95% of the personality. This life is a series of moments so be diligent about checking in on your emotional house. Don't limit yourself with nagging thoughts and questions of uncertainty. When you choose the power of Love, you can't get it wrong. Open your heart and let love flow like warm honey. Feel more! Think less :) Schedule a couple of days of play time. No plans, no deadlines, no need to know, etc. Laugh until you wet your pants. Create neurons of Fun! The more joyfull connections you fire off in the brain, more fun based neurons are necessary and where will the brain pull these additional neurons from? It will have to borrow from your trunk of "fear." The joy neurons will ravish up your fear neurons. Not a bad trade off.

SatNam :)

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