5 Rejuvenating Breathing Exercises
Better Mood Breath Exercise 1. Sit straight in a chair or on the floor.
2. Close your eyes and put one hand in the center of your chest and one hand over your belly button. 2. Take a deep breath in through your nose for eight counts, feeling your belly expand with the breath. 3. Hold your breath for eight counts. 4. Exhale your breath slowly through your nose for the count of 10. 5. Repeat three times.
Control Temper Breathing Exercise 1. Take a deep full breath from your lower belly.
2. Breath in through the nose, out through the mouth. 2. Repeat. 3. Repeat a calming word or phrase such as “relax” or “it’s going to be okay.”
Reduce Tension and Increase Energy Breathing Exercise 1. Sit on the floor with legs crossed at ankles or with one leg crossed over the other.
2. Sit up straight with your hands rested on your knees and your eyes closed. 2. Take a few deep, slow breaths in and out. 3. On the next deep breath, slowly exhale through your nose keeping lips closed, teeth slightly parted and making a humming sound (“hummmm”) as you exhale. 4. Inhale through the nose without humming and then exhale while humming. 5. Repeat the process 10 times.
Alternate Nostril Breathing Exercise
This breathing exercise will help settle, cool, calm and nourish an restless mind. Even after only two minutes you can feel and notice a distinct difference as to how you feel.
1. Use right thumb to close off right nostril.
2. Inhale slowly through left nostril
3. Pause for a second
4. Now close left nostril with ring finger and release thumb off right nostril
5. Exhale through your right nostril
6. Now, inhale through right nostril
7. Pause
8. Use thumb to close off right nostril
9. Breathe out through left nostril
10. This is one round. Start slowly with 1 or 2 rounds and gradually increase. Do not force.
11. Sit quietly for a few moments after you have finished.
To Wake You Up 1. Take one long slow breath in through your nose. 2. Focus on releasing the breath from your lower abdomen, exhale through your nose in one quick, powerful movement. (Remember to keep your mouth closed throughout the exercise.) 3. The exercise may seem awkward at first, as its pretty abdominal focused.
4. Repeat this pattern of inhaling and exhaling through your nose for a total of 10 breaths, resting for one to two seconds after each exhale.